Im not sure if i would even risk taking sarms as an endurance athelete. I would bet a paycheck on it that they are certainly using the most stringent tests possible. Off season maybe but not on season. More especially if you are on a scholarship!!!! You are risking a suitcase full of money, why would you do that? Dont get me wrong i am not saying sarms are bad they are fucking awesome!! But if were minutely subject to an NCAA test i would not take them and i dont know how old you are but i prolly have kids ur age that played at a collegiate level, not playing now but wanted to start tren and test and im like wtf you are 21 years old u big meathead you are in ur prime?! The consequences far outweigh the reward IMO. If u were to get popped what happens to a career? Or sponsorships that could possibly come your way in the future